Unexpected YoutubeTricks or Features You Might Not Know
Unexpected YoutubeTricks or Features You Might Not Know
1. Custom YouTube Playback Speed
Watch YouTube videos in super slow motion or super fast forward. In general we can change the playback speed of YouTube videos from 0.25 to 2, this means that you can play YouTube videos up to 2 times faster or 4 times slower.
But using a simple trick you can break this limit and play YouTube videos 16 times slower or faster. This trick works not only on YouTube, but on every website, even if you are watching locally stored videos through a browser.
1. Play YouTube in your browser
2. Type the following code in the address bar of your browser
javascript:document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 16;
3. In the above code you can change the playback speed (16) according to you, but the value should be between 0.0625 and 16.
4. Hit Enter
Note : If you copy / paste the code in the address bar, it will not work. Because the browser ignores the prefix "JavaScript:", to fix this you have to type "JavaScript:" in the address bar first and then you can paste the code.
2. Ad-free YouTube (No longer working)
Watch YouTube videos uninterrupted by ads on Pc, without any third-party app or an extension. Enjoy an ad-free watching experience on YouTube with just a simple trick. All you need to put a dot (.) after the 'youtube.com' in the url. But remember this trick only works on Desktop Browser.
(Before) : youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXXX
(After) : youtube.com./watch?v=XXXXXXX
Note: Reddit user unicorn4sale discovered this bug and YouTube fixed this bug within few days after it exposes.
Unexpected YoutubeTricks or Features You Might Not Know
Reviewed by ABONZERTV
June 13, 2020
Rating: 5