New Google Adsense Account Approval Process (2016)
Google AdSense Approval Process has been updated. Read each step of the recent updates here, and learn how to get approved.
ow, Adsense has changed the AdSense approval process, made it easier and faster for new publishers. Earlier it was a 2-step approval process but now it typically takes 48 hours to review your application. In New Process, you have immediate access to your AdSense account without waiting for an approval email from Google like previously. The last significant update was made in August 2011.
1. Sign up for an AdSense account: Go to and make an application by provide all the correct information about you. [Tips]
2. Add the AdSense code: Login to AdSense account, Create new ad units and place them on your site.
3. Waiting for an Approval: Once you add the code on your blog, that will be showing blank ads until you pass final approval process. It may take about 48 hours to one week for approval.
4. After the Final AdSense Approval your AdSense account fully activated, and ads will be displayed on your site.
I Recommended you for this article and you might like to read following useful Compleat AdSense application process by Google AdSense Help Center.
Sources: Google Help Center, Adsense Blog.
New AdSense application process
Adsense is one of the Best and Popular advertising networks and now it's made change in publishers application process. Here is the new account approval process, but before Ensure your website is compatible with AdSense policies.1. Sign up for an AdSense account: Go to and make an application by provide all the correct information about you. [Tips]
2. Add the AdSense code: Login to AdSense account, Create new ad units and place them on your site.
3. Waiting for an Approval: Once you add the code on your blog, that will be showing blank ads until you pass final approval process. It may take about 48 hours to one week for approval.
4. After the Final AdSense Approval your AdSense account fully activated, and ads will be displayed on your site.
I Recommended you for this article and you might like to read following useful Compleat AdSense application process by Google AdSense Help Center.
Sources: Google Help Center, Adsense Blog.
New Google Adsense Account Approval Process (2016)
Reviewed by ABONZERTV
February 03, 2016
Rating: 5